I sincerely hope your first week of esports powered by ACER NITRO has been victorious. The first week can be a struggle as new students get used to scheduling their games. If you had a difficult communication period we appreciate your patience.
ASL has launched it's own set of socials. To keep in the know about all things school esports be sure to follow our:
The weekly article will still come out on the website now with the addition of ASL Chats a weekly video update.
ASL Chats
Last week we visited Bosmansdam Primary School with The Toyota Gaming Engine. Their top two players have qualified to the next stage. This week we will be hosting Parkfirleds Primary School at the ACGL HQ.
Upcoming Events
Thomas More College is hosting Rocket League showmatches with combination with their Waterpolo Tournament. This is a rare opportunity for schools in Durban to watch some live and local esports in the area. This will take place on the 22nd of February.
The CURRO Esports Indaba will be happening at the Future Campus at the University of Pretoria on the 6th of March up until the weekend. Teachers and coaches across South Africa will be taking part in workshops and sessions to help schools become even more proficient in esports. The Indaba is currently full but to get some idea you can check out their highlight video.