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Today marks a massive update for Nitro ASL, powered by Clear Access.
The ASL site was down for maintenance today. Here are some of the changes:
- United login system for ACGL, AUL and ASL
This means you will no longer have a password for each site, you will log into the AUL and ASL sites with your existing ACGL account, AUL and ASL users that did not have an ACGL account before have been migrated over, but might be required to reset their password on login.
- Updated look and feel
We have a lot of new schools joining us this term so multiple articles will come out today explaining how to do certain things.
How to register your school to the website
Creating a new account or verifying an existing account
Next week Wednesday we will be releasing a guide on how to play all your matches as well as having a trial run for Fortnite. This is to ensure that our first match the following week goes smoothly with everyone knowing the Fortnite system.
The game will be a solos game. You can sign up here.
I will also be in the ASL Discord every Monday at 18:00-18:30 to answer any questions on call in the Monday FAQ voice channel (
For any queries or issues please email
- Adam “XDayaDX”